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Nigeria on alert as Shell announces worst oil spill in a decade

"The oil company says up to 40,000 barrels of crude oil was spilled 75 miles off the coast of the Niger delta "


EU set to charge international airlines for carbon emissions

"The EU looks likely to impose a system of carbon trading on all passenger flights taking off or landing in member states"


Stray showers of mercury getting into food chain

"Poisonous metal released as a vapour by burning fuel, then falls back to Earth and gets absorbed by the aquatic ecosystem"

Category: Energy sources


Facebook 'unfriends' coal and 'likes' clean power

"Agreement to power its operations using clean and renewable energy follows a two-year campaign by Greenpeace"


Nuclear power - Persistent drought in Romania threatens Danube's power

"Drop in the level of the river's waters means that nuclear reactor may have to close down"

Displaying results 171 to 175 out of 1050